Archives for Coronavirus

Organised Crime and the COVID-19 Outbreak: Repositioning the State

12 Jun, 2020
Dr Alexander Kupatadze

The ongoing debate surrounding the impact of Covid-19 on organised crime is incomplete. Whilst discussions have centred on the workings of mafia-type groups and other non-state actors, these are not the only important players in the field of organised crime. In recent decades we have seen many cases of high-ranking politicians and bureaucrats…

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Organised Crime and the Coronavirus-Crisis: A Research Agenda

6 Apr, 2020
Dr Anna Sergi

There is no shortage of evidence that ‘organised crime’ has rapidly adapted to Covid-19 conditions. While some journalists have looked at how illicit trade has been affected by the pandemic, think thanks and scholars have investigated new opportunities for organised crime, ranging from cyber-fraud to the changing market for illegal drugs. Others still have focused on changing patterns…

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