The FATF Standards and Unintended Consequences: Part 2: Evaluating the Present

The FATF Standards and Unintended Consequences: Part 2: Evaluating the Present
14:30-15:30 BST
Zoom webinar (register below) on 15th July 2021 at 14:30 BST

RUSI’s Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies invites you to our series ‘FATF: Past, Present and Future in the Unintended Consequences Debate’

How far has the standard setter come and where is it heading? As the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) considers ways to mitigate the unintended consequences of its financial crime standards, this three-part webinar series will assess the FATF’s work on this issue to-date, consider current challenges and look ahead to future ways in which its standards might be manipulated.


In early 2021, the FATF announced it would be launching a new research initiative ‘to study and mitigate the unintended consequences resulting from the incorrect implementation of FATF Standards’. It identified four main affected areas: (1) de-risking; (2) financial exclusion; (3) suppression of non-profit organisations or the non-profit sector as a whole; and (4) threats to fundamental human rights.

The second webinar in this series will highlight how unintended consequences are felt in present-day contexts. Considering the experience of the coronavirus pandemic, our panel will assess the FATF’s work on financial exclusion and how the current unintended consequences working group could mitigate the negative impact of the FATF framework on financial inclusion.

To share and discuss their perspectives, we are delighted to be joined by:

Maha Bahou, Jordan Payments & Clearing Company
Adam Anklewicz, Revolut Poland
Barry Cooper, Technical Director, Cenfri

The discussion will be chaired by CFCS Research Fellow Isabella Chase.

Please register for this event here. By registering you will automatically receive invitations to future events in this series.