Archives for Policing

Targeting Enablers of Transnational Crime: Insights from Operation Ironside

29 Jul, 2021
Ben Scott

Operation Ironside, a global operation led by the FBI and the Australian Federal Police (AFP), came to a resolution in June 2021. Across Australia, 4,000 police executed search warrants and made arrests, capping a two-year investigation which was undoubtedly the most significant in Australian law enforcement history. Ironside struck a…

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Who or What are ‘Police’? A Speculation on Why Organised ‘Crime’ Succeeds

22 Feb, 2021
Mark Nuttall

Police are not police and the law is not the law everywhere, one must be reminded, as I strolled through the hallowed centrepiece of Interpol’s Lyonnais HQ, having transposed myself from Singapore to assist in the presentation of a global gathering of law enforcement and others. This was quite a few years after leaving…

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Whack-a-Mule: Have the Police Mastered the Game?

19 Mar, 2019
Anton Moiseienko

This post draws on research completed as part of RUSI’s Financial Crime 2.0 research programme. In early March 2019, the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) announced that it was seeking to freeze and potentially forfeit £3.6 million in 95 bank accounts, most of them held by overseas students studying in the UK. The reason…

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‘Encounter Killings’ as a Method of Policing Karachi

26 Feb, 2019
Dr. Zoha Waseem

Since the 1980s, ‘police encounters’ have been a notorious phenomenon in South Asia, especially in India and Pakistan. Jyoti Belur, who has researched encounters in Mumbai, defines an ‘encounter’ as a ‘specific type of police contact – a spontaneous, unplanned “shoot-out” between the police and alleged criminals, in which the criminal…

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