Archives for Brexit

European Police and Judicial Cooperation: The Irony of Brexit

6 Feb, 2019
Cyrille Fijnaut

Anyone familiar with the history of European police and judicial cooperation knows that the arrangements that existed in this area up to the Maastricht Treaty 1992 were a jumble of overlapping, complementary and opaque combinations of legislation. They included not only the mutual assistance treaties of the Council of Europe,…

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Does Brexit Prevent the Execution of European Arrest Warrants Issued by the UK?

25 Apr, 2018
Cristina Sáenz Pérez

In the upcoming months, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) will have to rule on a case that could decide the future of the European arrest warrant (EAW) in the UK. The Irish Supreme Court’s (IESC) has requested a preliminary ruling in Minister for Justice v O’Connor [2018] IESC 3, a…

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