Archives for definition of organised crime
How Do We Think about Organised Crime?
30 Jul, 2018
This is the first of two Informer blogs by Dwight Smith examining how we think about organised crime. The second part will be published on Thursday 2 August. In October 1965, I was designated rapporteur for the Oyster Bay Conferences on Organized Crime, a series (from 1965 to 1967) of…
It’s Who You Know, Not What You Know: Why We Need to Focus on Organised Crime Networks and Not their Crimes
28 Oct, 2016
With growing evidence pointing to convergence in criminal activities, and the emergence of fluid criminal networks with transient membership, it is time to consider whether the UK’s approach to tackling organised crime is suitably matched to the threats it faces. In 2014 the NCA noted that ‘defining organised crime in terms of…