Wildlife and forest crime
Cheating the System: Where Permits Come as Freely as the Wildlife
Urgent action is needed to modernise the operation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), to prevent the systematic ‘laundering’ of threatened species such as cheetahs. The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) published in September 2021 a stark reminder of…
Without Wi-Fi it’s Worthless: Will Virtualisation of Courts Prevent or Aid the Backlog of Wildlife Court Cases in Uganda?
Courts have gone online during Covid-19. Is this the answer to Uganda’s backlog of wildlife crime cases? The Covid-19 pandemic has obstructed global access to key government provisions, including criminal justice services. A recent United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report from 2020 showcased that many countries were struggling…
Laundering Shark Species in the Pacific: The Trail of the Fin
Illegal fishing has turned predator into prey, yet little is known about how shark species are laundered through legitimate supply chain. According to a landmark new study by Nature magazine, sharks are vanishing from the oceans. For every ten sharks in the open sea in the 1970s, today there is only…
The Role of Beneficial Ownership in Combating IUU Fishing
At their meeting this week, the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors should endorse the adoption of global beneficial ownership registries to help end illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and other forms of environmental crime that are enabled by complex corporate structures. In an unprecedented year for climate action, the…
Dr Yarin Eski
Area of Expertise: Contraband / counterfeit products, Corruption, Crime prevention and criminal justice, Criminal networks, Cryptocurrency, Discourse, Drug trafficking, Financial flows, Firearms, Illicit cigarettes and tobacco, IUU fishing, Mafia, Maritime crime and piracy, Modern slavery and human trafficking, Money laundering, Nuclear smuggling, Organ trafficking, Policing, State control, Terrorism, Trafficking in cultural property, War and conflict, Wildlife and forest crime
Mark Nuttall
Area of Expertise: Asset seizure, Contraband / counterfeit products, Corruption, Crime prevention and criminal justice, Criminal careers, Criminal networks, Cryptocurrency, Cybercrime, Discourse, Disruption, Drug prevention, treatment and care, Drug trafficking, Extortion, Financial flows, Firearms, Fraud, Fraudulent medicine, Gangs, Illicit cigarettes and tobacco, Intelligence, Law, Mafia, Maritime crime and piracy, Modern slavery and human trafficking, Money laundering, Organised immigration crime, Policing, State control, Terrorism, Threat assessment, Trafficking in cultural property, Use of technology by criminals, War and conflict, Wildlife and forest crime
Daan van Uhm
Area of Expertise: Contraband / counterfeit products, Corruption, Criminal networks, Extortion, Fraud, IUU fishing, Mafia, Wildlife and forest crime